Hospitals & Clinics
When planning a Southeast Asia trip, most savvy travellers make the customary pre-holiday dash to their local pharmacy. Stocking up on first aid kit supplies means avoiding having to visit a Koh Tao hospital or clinic. With a bit of luck, it will spend the entirety of your trip wedged into the bottom of your suitcase. Hopefully, you’ll never need to use it. But if you do need any more advanced medical care, you are in safe hands on Koh Tao.
Most people imagine fairly gnarly medical issues befalling travellers in Thailand – rare tropical diseases, snake bites, malaria, and so on. But in reality, the real medical encounters you are likely to face are much more mundane. Like possibly a bout of diarrhea or food poisoning, for example. Plus, the more severe risks are mainly avoidable if you use caution and good judgment – like only renting Koh Tao scooters from a reputable provider, and not renting if you don’t know how to drive one!
Koh Tao has both a government hospital and several private clinics. In the majority of situations, should you require emergency aid at Koh Tao Hospital or any affiliated clinics. The expenses can typically be refunded with sufficient travel insurance coverage. However, the customary procedure usually entails settling the bill during treatment. Then, subsequently, seek reimbursement from your insurance provider afterward.
Koh Tao Hospital and all of the main clinics are well equipped, professional, and have English-speaking staff. The vast majority of medical issues can be treated on-island, although evacuation services are available in emergencies when required.
Koh Tao Hospital
The Koh Tao Hospital is well signposted and is located here, just off the ‘up road’ at the bottom of the hill in Mae Haad, just a couple of minutes’ walk from all of the ferry piers. Services are available to both locals and tourists. It is a government-run hospital it tends to be more popular for those on a budget.
Koh Tao Hospital is open for accidents and emergencies 24 hours a day, so overnight admissions can be arranged. The hospital has X-ray facilities, antenatal services, and delivery rooms, and also deals with a wide range of other medical needs including dentistry, scuba diving medicals, and disease and epidemic assistance.
Please note that you will need to register and show proof of identification at the main reception in order to be admitted or receive assistance.
Private Clinics
There are several private clinics scattered throughout the villages of Sairee, Mae Haad, and Chalok Baan Kao. They all offer consultations for general illness and injury, and emergency assistance for more severe accidents. Whichever Koh Tao Hospital you go to, the doctor’s consult fee is normally around 500THB. Plus the cost of whatever treatments, procedures, and medication you need.
The bigger clinics such as Koh Tao Physician (run by Dr. Chasit) in Sairee and Thai Inter with locations on the main road in both Sairee and Mae Haad) are open 24 hours a day. Some services may be restricted to particular times of day depending on the doctors’ schedules.
Smaller, more personal clinics can often be less expensive for more minor issues and injuries. The most popular among residents and long-term locals are Sairee Medical Clinic in Sairee, and Sawasdee Clinic and Chalok Clinic, both of which are in Chalok Baan Kao.
Scuba Diving Medicals
If you have any pre-existing medical conditions, you will be required to get a medical sign-off before signing up for any scuba diving courses. Scuba diving medical assessments are only available through Koh Tao Hospital or Koh Tao Physician (Dr Chasit) in Saire.