Fraggle Rock Viewpoint
Nobody seems entirely sure exactly where the name came from, but Fraggle Rock is a well-known landmark on Koh Tao. It looks out onto the west coast of the island and provides a birds-eye view of Mae Haad Bay, Sairee Beach, and the northernmost island of Koh NangYuan. It’s a favourite viewpoint for many locals and dog walkers and lies on the mountain behind Sairee. Very distinctive in shape, in reality, it’s made up of several interlinking boulders. From a distance, it looks like one large boulder with two smaller ones sticking up at an angle like rabbit ears. It lies within a rugged jungle area known as Meks Mountain and is regularly accessed for Rock Climbing and Abseiling as well as hiking. On the way up to Fraggle Rock, you’ll pass a restaurant called the Hive. But the view from here is not as good as from Fraggle Rock itself. Just next to Exotic Hive, there is a large rock with access via wooden steps, from which you can look out over Hin Wong Bay on the east coast of the island.
Fraggle Rock is easy to access from Sairee either by scooter or by foot. Simply follow the Hin Wong Bay road out of Sairee and up the hill. When you reach the top, you’ll pass the exit for Mango Bay on the left, and just after that, you need to take a narrow concrete road on the right that winds further up the hill past a large green phone mast. There is a barrier across the entrance to this route. You need to speak to the staff in the small roadside office to gain access.
You’ll pass the Hive restaurant and the Hin Wong Bay viewing rock. If you’ve made the journey this far by scooter, then park here and carry on by foot. You’ll take a narrow path up to the right that winds along the contour of the mountainside. Continue on the path until you reach the back of the rocky formation. From here, all you need to do is scramble up to be rewarded with a spectacular view back over the west coast of the island.
If you plan to drive part-way, do be aware that the road in sections is very steep and unless you have a reliable Koh Tao rental scooter, it may be difficult to make it up the steepest sections with 2 people.
To access Mek’s Mountain and Fraggle Rock, you need to pay a fee at the gate that has been installed at the turnoff from the main road. It is 50THB per person if you go on foot, or 100THB per motorbike if you want to drive. The price includes a drink.
Services & Facilities
Take plenty of water and any snacks you want unless you check out the Hive restaurant along the way.
Sunrise or Sunset?
Sunset! Fraggle Rock’s western-facing position makes it an amazing spot to watch the sun go down.